Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Running Myths

I have been training for the Music City Marathon, through this experience I keep hearing things that I know are only half true or not true at all.
These simple little things or gestures that are said in passing are why we have so much confusion and doubt in the whole food nutrition world.
Some thing like this:
"carb up before you run"
"eat a banana so you will not cramp"
"make sure you get your protein 30 minutes after your run"
"if you want to lose weight you need to run"
"a side stitch needs to be held by your hand when you are running"

These are just a few of the things that I have heard from inexperienced runners as well as very experienced runners. Some of them are simply not true, I will use whole food nutrition to de-bunk these phrases that are so over used.

Having carbs before a race isn't a bad idea unless you are trying to lose weight. If you are trying to lose weight then you probably have stored carbs and proteins that are sitting in your bodies fat. These stores will be used if you run on an empty stomach, granted you will need to be hydrated and this is only for short runs of 5 miles and under. If you are at your perfect weight you can still get by with running on an empty stomach but you will feel short of breath and a little light headed. If you do "carb up" before a run then make sure its a digestible whole carb, sprouted grains and seeds are perfect. They are perfect because your body will be able to break them down and send them to the proper cells.

Eating a banana is great for you but may have little to do with cramping if this where true than you could eat a banana for bowel cramping or for PMS. Potassium is good for you and great for the muscles but once again if your body is in starvation mode do to the lack of nutrition that you are giving it then the banana doesn't stand a chance of actually making it to the cramp.

Running is a great way to lose weight but not the only way to do so. You may already know that you need to get your heart rate up and keep it up for as long as you can. This is a great way to lose weight and is easier on the joints, you can achieve this by doing jump work like:
-Jump rope
- Jump lunges
- Jump squats
- Stair work
- Circuit training
It can be down and as long as you are able to work hard, anything is possible.

Side stitches are common with any cardio intensive workout but they are not necessarily a muscle cramp as much as they are an expansion of the lungs. So much so that they burn or over stretch causing the pain that needs to be relaxed out through slow deep breathes.

I hope this helps you all on your quest of running, if you are training for a marathon then good luck! I know I am going to need too.

Thursday, March 26, 2009

White Flour: Not That Healthy

Ever wondered how white flour is made?

Commercial wheat production is a study in pesticide application. Not only are the starting seeds treated with fungicide, the resulting wheat is sprayed with hormones and pesticides.

Then once harvested, the wheat grain is stored in bins which have been coated with insecticides. If any bugs are still hanging around at that point, they then fumigate the grain.

It is from this pesticide soaked grain that commercial flour is made.
Once the milling process starts, more damage is inflicted.

A wheat grain kernel is composed of three layers:

the bran
the germ
the endosperm
The bran is the outside layer where most of the fiber exists. The germ is the inside layer where many nutrients and essential fatty acids are found. The endosperm is the starchy middle layer.

The natural nutrient levels associated with whole grains exists only when these three layers are eaten together. (The term “whole grain” denotes the grain before it has been milled into flour.)

Old time stone mills ground the flour slowly, and the resulting flour had all three layers mixed in. (This result is called “100 percent stone-ground whole-wheat flour”).

But in mass production flour mills, stone grinding isn’t fast enough, so high speed, high temperature steel roller mills are used.

These high speed mills eject the bran and germ, so that the resulting flour is made up of mostly the starchy endosperm layer.

Much of the rejected bran and germ "waste product"--the most nutritious part of the grain--is sold as "byproducts" for animals.

The resulting white flour contains just a fraction of the nutrients of the original grain, with the heat of the steel rollers also playing a role in the nutrient destruction.

Chlorine and Alloxan

Not content with applying pesticides and ditching most of the nutrients, the flour manufacturers then subject the starchy flour to a chlorine gas bath.

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) identifies chlorine gas as a flour-bleaching, aging and oxidizing agent that is a powerful irritant, dangerous to inhale, and lethal.

The flour manufacturers use a form of chlorine gas to bleach and artificially "age" flour. The goal, of course, is a clean, white product. The chlorine gas reacts with the flour, oxidizing, whitening it and reducing the gluten.

But it also converts an dough additive called xanthine into a toxic substance called alloxan. The alloxan is an unintended byproduct.

So what is alloxan? Alloxan is a toxin which destroys pancreatic islet cells, resulting in diabetes. In fact, Alloxin is specifically used in research labs to induce diabetes in rats and mice for study purposes.

After the chlorine bath, we get nice, white flour completely devoid of any natural vitamins. And since all the natural vitamins have been destroyed, the bleached flour is mixed with synthetic vitamin and mineral supplements to "enrich" it.

These synthetic vitamins are made from petroleum, elemental ores, bacteria, fungi, and ferrous iron, which is created from sulfate refined out of high sulfur crude oil.

Bleached White Flour Was Supposed to Be Outlawed

Now here’s the real kicker. In 1906, the North Dakota Agricultural Experiment sent out 24 surveys to flour mill executives and asked them about their thoughts on the flour bleaching process. Eighteen of those millers wrote back and said that flour bleaching was unnecessary and harmful to those eating the flour and was deceitful to the public buying the flour.

In 1910, bleach white flour was declared unfit as human food by the Federal Western District Court of Missouri. Legal wrangling ensued and the case wasn’t settled until 1919. But according to H.W. Wiley, first chief of the Food and Drug Administration, the enforcement of this law was "halted through the political influence of the flour millers" and "no notice of violations has since been made by the FDA." Mr. Wiley’s book "The History of a Crime Against the Pure Food Law" discusses this case.

Reference here.
White flour does provide potassium and phosphorus, but little else in the way of nutrition. It is the ultimate refined food.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Inappropriate Drug Prescriptions

From Mercola.com
Drugs designed for treating the most severe mental illnesses are often prescribed for use in conditions where their benefit has not been established, and often in inappropriate doses, a recent study suggests.

Prescription drugs that might cost as much as $20 to $25 a day are being widely used to treat problems for which they are not FDA-approved. Some of those problems could have been addressed with generic medications costing $1 a day, with better results and less risk of serious side effects.

This is a reflection of the widespread use of medications for "off-label" uses that have not been carefully considered or approved by the FDA, according to the study, some of which are raising medical costs and reducing the effectiveness of health care.


Eurekalert March 4, 2009

Journal of Clinical Psychiatry October 2008;69(10):1540-7

Dr. Mercola's Comments:

Antipsychotic medications are some of the most expensive and side-effect-riddled drugs on the market. And while they’re only approved to treat severe forms of mental illness, such as schizophrenia or bipolar disorder, this recent study found that the vast majority of people receiving these powerful drugs did not have either one of those disorders.

In fact, out of the 830 Oregon Medicaid patients given the drugs, most were suffering from depression, anxiety, post-traumatic stress disorder and even insomnia. These are all issues that can be handled using safe, non-drug methods, yet these people were instead given expensive and dangerous antipsychotic drugs.

Imagine visiting your doctor because you have anxiety or insomnia, then being prescribed a drug that can cause potentially even worse conditions, such as:

• Stroke and heart arrhythmias
• Moderate to severe weight gain
• Diabetes

This is exactly what happens far too often with these drugs.

Monday, March 23, 2009

Foods For Weight Loss Part 6

I hope you are enjoying this series from Tim at
It is a great resource and one of the best was to lose weight, net to a physical exercise regiment.

Part 6 is really about putting it all together. The first thing to note is that all of the things mentioned in the series (parts 1-5) are things to do for anyone. They are excellent food choices and will help to maintain a healthy body. Sure, they are especially for those who are trying to lose weight and therefore they must be stricter on some points. On the other hand, those who do not need to lose weight but want to maintain a healthy body should be doing the same things. Also if you are trying to gain weight, you would do the same things just with an altered eating pattern and amount.

So many people look to one thing… that is, they look to one pill, one area of nutrition, one doctor, and think they can have a miracle cure or weightloss. While results may vary they are not the kind of results that satisfy. Living healthy and being healthy is a lifestyle. It is the way you eat, the foods you eat, the exercise you get, the faith you have, the thoughts you think, and the relationships that you foster.

It takes time to put changes in place, but you can do it one step at a time. I know how overwhelming it can be to change so many things in your eating habits. Just start somewhere and each day or week or month add something new. So maybe you start increasing the amount of vegetables that you eat and the quality (local and/or organic)… and then you change where you buy your dairy from… and then what grains you buy and how you prepare them… and then where you buy your meat from… and then the products that you put on your skin… and then on and on… you grow.

Where To Find? Where to Find?

It can be frustrating when looking for many food items which you are not used to consuming. Especially since the typical grocery store has so many processed items in it. The internet can be a very valuable tool in connecting with other people who can provide high quality food. Also stores like Whole Foods Market, Wild Oats (which was bought by Whole Foods), and Trader Joes focus on Natural and Organic Foods. In addition, many other national grocers have small natural food sections and carry some organic produce. One of the best sources is to find a local farmers market and/or contact local farmers. Buying locally is good for the local economy and enables you to get fresher foods. (I am not against importing by any means either… it is nice to be able to get a wide variety of foods internationally as well).

So if you are looking for something like buckwheat flour, most likely you will not find it at a typical grocery store. You have a good chance of finding it freshly ground at a farmers market, and you most definitely will find it at a store like Whole Foods… which you hope it is not too old

I Don’t Know What To Do or Make With This Food!

What? Are you kidding me? The options are not that limited! There are a gazillion things you can do with all of the food items mentioned in this series. You should be creative and test all sorts of things. Something I frequently do is take random recipes and substitute almost all the ingredients in them for better (or the same but higher quality) ingredients and create something new but similar.

So one day you should make:


Buckwheat pancakes (you can mix buckwheat flour with spelt or whole wheat)
Real Maple Syrup or Honey


Mexican Quinoa


Wild Caught Alaskan (or Pacific) Salmon
Green Beans (fresh)
Faux potatos (cauliflower mashed potatos)
Salad (Use all different types of lettuces - romaine, green leaf, red leaf, arugola, spinach, endive, etc)

What Now?

Well, I hope that this series has helped you get an idea of the foods that you can learn about and change in your diet especially if you are looking to lose weight, but also for healthy living in general. I also hope that these foods have given you ideas for incorporating them together and creating simple dishes and meals that you can be thankful for. Fast food is out, slow food is in. Dig it.

If you have any questions feel free to contact me: tim (at) ettlt.com.
To view the other blogs Food For Weight Loss Part 1-5 go to

Friday, March 20, 2009

Achieving Results

It has been said that numbers talk and that the scale is definitive as far as health is concerned. But of course I disagree, because I see so much more with my work in the fitness field. Often I have people get great results but with that comes the 10% that does not change at all. These are the people I want to address, they are discouraged and do not have a clear picture of the basics. Whether they can't hear what I am saying or their minds are in a different place while they go through the motions of exercising.

To them and any one thinking about getting healthy please hear me know, you have to dedicate your whole body to a lifestyle change, or its just a good idea.
You must start in a place where you understand that you are fearfully and wonderfully made by a matchless Creator. From there you have to create a clean heart and a clear mind with a willingness to be changed. Not for your own sake or mine but for the Glory Of God.

My mission is not to make everybody fit but to make their whole body fit so they can glorify God with their bodies. Not for me but as a testimony of Christ. If this is to much for you then lets simplify, you cannot achieve full whole body health unless you sacrifice your whole body, as unto the Lord.

I know some of you may not be believers in the one True God, and thats ok. I want you to know that I care about you too, and you know Gods loves you (if not you do now!) This knowledge will define your results and give you clarity of mind knowing that its not by power or by might but by the grace of God that you have found me and that you can pursue this transformation.

Step one:
Understanding Gods plan for your life, and (or) that He loves you unconditionally.
Step two:
Being willing to change by working hard, both spiritually and physically.
Step three:
Give up things that will hinder you from truly relying on Christ and any other physical crutch.
Step four:
Knowing that you are part of the problem, understanding you can't do it alone and knowing that you CAN do it!
Step five:
Giving Him the glory as you are stripped down then built back up spiritually, mentally and physically.

These are measures of success that you will need to get to whole health and then sustain it. Come to me willing and ready for the beginning of the rest of your life. As God has enabled me so I will enable you!

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Conventional Nutrition Common Misconceptions

Well, I will tell you that I never get tired of talking about or blogging about nutrition, I love to study it and will find myself lost in reading about it for hours.
One thing I do get tired of is the same old silly misconceptions about nutrition, not sure what I am talking about? Let me school you.
Should I eat before my morning workout?

Convention studies say yes, because you will need fresh carbs and protein otherwise you will use stored nutrients.

Knowledge ad research, tells me this is bunk and experience illustrates that this is not the truth. Not eating before a workout is very beneficial especially when you are looking to lose weight. If you are a muscle builder than you need to eat some protein before your workout and then slam some protein within the hour after your workout.

Using stored carbs are a good thing because they are not being used! All nutrients coming into the body should be used and not stored if you are storing, than you most likely are not getting the right quality of nutrients. Understanding this will make it easier for you to lose the pounds plus push out the toxins stored in the unusable carbs and proteins.

Next question.

Should I stay away from carbohydrates?

Conventional answer.

Yes there are no good carbs, carbs will inhibit weight loss and make you fat.

You can have carbs and lose weight too! Good carbs are a great part of a natural balanced diet. The key word is balanced, you need a balance of nutrients, like protein, sugars, and carbohydrates. Study the difference, you will be surprised at what you can have as long as they are nutrient dense.

The single most important thing to remember when listening to conventional healthcare and fitness "experts" is that you are not "everybody". Usually you are getting a "catch all" remedy to a specific lack of nutrients.
Don't subscribe to conventional knowledge always do your research and get knowledge! You can overcome anything as long as you have the drive to get educated about it.

Now go and be healthy!

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Foods For Weight Loss Part 5

So first let’s talk about water. Most people have heard of the vital importance of water to our bodies. Our bodies are mostly water. Yeah, strange, I know… but we are 60-90% water… I like a wide range cause everyone is different, and some people are really dry. That was joke.

Water is the medium for so many different processes in the body. It helps to digest, breakdown, and excrete our food. It helps dissolve and distribute vitamins and minerals through the blood. It helps to remove toxins. It helps to regulate body temperature. It helps, it helps, it helps. Get the picture?

So is water, water? Are all waters the same? First of all, the water in our bodies is very different in that it contains all sorts of proteins and like I mentioned it carries vitamins, minerals, and even toxins.

Problems? Who’s Got Problems?

Water that you drink may have all sorts of stuff in it. It may have chemicals leftover from your local wastewater treatment plant (have you visited one of those?). After all, there are regulations requiring water to be at a certain pH. So how about they just throw some stuff to change the pH, like lye… no one is gonna get hurt by that… not like in this article. Oh yeah, and to disinfect let’s use toxic chlorine… which while a lot of it may evaporate it will also form cancerous compounds called chloramines which will not.

So I guess you can already tell that I highly recommend that you filter your water. I have written about it in previous posts (like here and here) and in doing further research since then I am even more convinced that you should filter your water. I have also studied some of the so called science against filtering your water. That is, the scientists who call it pseudoscience to drink filtered water. They clearly haven’t been to a third world country.

Just because Americans are not infected by dangerous bacteria that we know about in a rapid manner does not mean that we are not taking in toxic substances in our water that accumulate and/or cause chronic illness or illness that presents itself later in life. Common sense.

What To Look For, What To Look For…

Before moving on, I will tell you what I believe to be the best water.

1. Water that is clean, natural, and unadulterated as God intended.

2. Water that has a neutral pH or is slightly alkaline (def on the alkaline side as opposed to acidic).

3. Water that preferably has an anti-oxidant effect on the body.

4. Water that is preferably ‘wetter’… that is, has a lower surface tension (it’s a better solvent).

By having lower surface tension, and by being a better solvent (being able to dissolve things easier), water is not only better able to help the body assimilate and transfer nutrients it is also better able to remove toxins.

Water as an anti-oxidant? When studying water, you may hear a lot about ORP or Oxidation Reduction Potential… basically it’s ability to act like an anti-oxidant and reduce oxidative stress on the body. Most water you drink does not have this ability and it has an oxidizing effect in your body (think about all those blueberries you eat because they are high in anti-oxidants… this has the opposite effect). That is why so many people buy something like an ionizer as it creates water that has this anti-oxidant potential by using electricity. I think this is one of the areas where you can cheat on when looking for water, especially if you are getting good water otherwise (judging from the points mentioned).


Saturday, March 14, 2009

Vegetables Aren't as Good for You as They Used to Be?

According to new research, produce in the U.S. not only tastes worse than it did in your grandparents' days, but also contains fewer nutrients. In fact, the average vegetable found in today's supermarket is anywhere from 5 percent to 40 percent lower in minerals such as magnesium, iron, calcium and zinc than those harvested just 50 years ago.

Today's vegetables are larger, but do not contain more nutrients. Jumbo-sized produce actually contains more "dry matter" than anything else, which dilutes mineral concentrations.

An additional problem is the "genetic dilution effect," in which selective breeding to increase crop yield has led to declines in protein, amino acids, and minerals. Breeders select for high yield, effectively selecting mostly for high carbohydrate content.

And finally, as a result of the growing rise of chemical fertilizers and pesticides, modern crops are being harvested faster than ever before, meaning that produce has less time to absorb nutrients either from synthesis or the soil.

There is a resolution, planting and demanding organic products. If you have enough people asking for quality more producers and farmers will make it available.

Monday, March 9, 2009

Fibromyalgia, Dealing With The Pain

Dealing with Fibromyalgia can be a very painful process but I can assure you once you start you can limit your "break outs" or eliminate them all together. Here is a list of symptoms followed by some things you can do to help the cause of the pain.

Signs and Symptoms of Fibromyalgia

One of the most important criteria to determine whether or not you may have fibromyalgia is significant pain in very specific areas of your body, including:

Inside of your elbows
Your collar bones
Inside of your knees
Your hips
Usually these locations are symmetrical, so you’ll have pain equally present on both sides of your body. Experiencing significant pain when someone presses on those areas, on both sides, is indicative of fibromyalgia.

People also frequently report pain all over their bodies -- including in their muscles, ligaments and tendons -- along with a feeling of exhaustion, as well as a variety of other nebulous conditions, such as:

Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS)
Ringing of the ears (tinnitus)
Another major part of the diagnostic criteria for this condition is some type of significant sleep disturbance.

In fact, part of an effective treatment program is to make sure you’re sleeping better.

The typical treatment strategy you’ll be offered, if seen by a conventional physician, is some form of pain medication, and perhaps psychotropic drugs like antidepressants. I don’t recommend either of them because they do not address the cause of your problem in any way shape or form.

Additionally, many fibromyalgia sufferers do not respond to conventional painkillers, which can set in motion a vicious circle of overmedicating on these dangerous drugs.

Effective Drug-Free Treatment Strategies for Fibromyalgia

Get Proper Sleep -- Sleeping well should be first on your list of essential treatment strategies. It’s important to realize that even if you lead a very healthy lifestyle – which includes getting appropriate sun exposure to optimize your vitamin D levels, eating organic, locally grown food, exercising and having low amounts of emotional stress – if you’re not sleeping properly you will definitely experience negative health consequences, despite all your other efforts.

Implement a regular exercise regimen -- One of the most important strategies to help you sleep better is regular exercise.

Unfortunately, people suffering from fibromyalgia pain tend to shy away from exercise, and understandably so. But research shows that a combination of aerobic activity and strength training can actually improve fibromyalgia symptoms.

In one study by Harvard researchers, after exercising for 20 weeks, women with fibromyalgia reported improved muscle strength and endurance, and lessening of their symptoms including pain, stiffness, fatigue and depression.

Now, it’s important to remember that tolerance is a key point if you suffer from fibromyalgia. You don’t want to do exercises that will worsen your condition.

If you perform an exercise that aggravates your pain within a few hours or the next day, it’s a good gauge that you’ve done too much and need to back off, or switch to something else. You’ll need to slowly but surely progress into a program that will make you better.

Ideally, you’ll want to get up to an hour per day, varying your exercise routine so that you’re not doing the same exercises each day.

You’ll want to strive for a combination of aerobic, anaerobic, burst-sprint type exercises and strength training, preferably supervised by an exercise professional. But again, always take into account your own tolerance to each exercise.

Optimize your vitamin D levels -- Interestingly, some of the new research in vitamin D shows it is very effective for muscle pain, so I strongly encourage you, not just for fibromyalgia but for numerous other reasons as well, to make sure you have your vitamin D levels tested.

And, if you are deficient, follow my recommendations on how to optimize your levels, as this could make a significant difference in your overall health. For more information, I recommend you watch my free one-hour lecture on vitamin D.

Eat right – “Eating right” includes avoiding processed foods, and concentrating on fresh, whole foods. Ideally foods that are both organic and locally-grown. This will help to regulate nutrient density and insulin swings.

There are, however, several food items that can aggravate fibromyalgia symptoms and should be avoided as much as possible, including:

• Corn
• Wheat
• Dairy
• Citrus
• Soy
• Nuts
Address your emotional challenges – In my experience, nearly all fibromyalgia sufferers have some form of underlying emotional challenge that contributes to their condition.

There are many ways to address your emotional issues, including meditation and prayer.

Natural Alternatives to Relieve Pain

Additionally, as you work to normalize your emotional traumas the following therapies can further help to reduce pain and get you back on track to optimal health, without resorting to potentially dangerous drugs:

• Chiropractic Care -- Especially the disciplines in chiropractic that address the emotional components, like TBM, NET and BEST. Dr. Kent provides some excellent recommendations on how to locate a good chiropractor if you don’t currently know of one.

• Acupuncture -- Western studies have shown that the use of acupuncture on pain-relief points cuts the blood flow to key areas of your brain within seconds, which may explain how this ancient technique might help relieve pain. It’s also been suggested that acupuncture may help support the activity of your body's natural pain-killing chemicals, and studies have found it to provide relief from fibromyalgia pain for up to 16 weeks.

If you start applying these techniques you likely will not need to rely on conventional drug therapy to help relieve some of the symptoms associated with fibromyalgia.

Friday, March 6, 2009

Rip, Rest, Repair, Repeat

Your muscles need the 4 R's in order to grow, rip, rest, repair, and repeat. This is what it takes to get the most out of your muscles.

Rip: is when you work your body through muscles to the extent that they are in essence ripped or stretched. Doing this will give them a chance to repair and as they repair and retract they will not come back as far thus building muscle.

Rest: If you are doing any routine the muscle and body need rest, and a lot of it. But rest just isn't sleep its the right kind of sleep, getting to bed before 10pm will help the body get the rest is needs. 1 hour before midnight is like 4 hours after midnight, and make no mistake about it your body knows when its time for bed.

Repair: Rest and repair go hand in hand because they need to be attacked with precision. Protein is an obvious ingredient to repair but with out amino acids the building blocks of protein, you are doing nothing. For example you will find usable protein in places that you don't expect like an avocado or nuts. The most pure and usable protein has the amino acids, peptides and enzymes to fully, completely digest and assimilate the protein.

Repeat: Exercise is nothing without routine but routine can also be a detriment to the body. You see the body adapts to workouts and routine very quickly. So its important to stay ahead of the curve when it comes to your exercise routine. Concentrate on confusing your muscles as often as you can whether it is through a regular cardio workout or a muscle training regiment.

You will find success when you strive to educate yourself in the battle for health. Its not "cut and dry" for everybody but it can be some what consistent when it comes to nutrition and healthy living. The key is to keep learning and striving, and remember that if you don't want fake muscles then don't take in fake protein and other supplements!

Thursday, March 5, 2009

What To Do About Avocados

Here is a article from one of my other sites called www.whattodoabout.com
it mainly for fun. But once in a while we make some valid points.

They got a bad rap I tell you! Well, maybe not… but I still hear people saying not to eat avocados because they are high in fat. Bologna! (now that’s something you shouldn’t eat).

Sure avocados are high in fat, but it is fat that is good for you! People wrongly assume that all fats are equal. Avocados promote HDL (good cholesterol) and lower LDL (bad cholesterol). They are full of monounsaturated fat (oleic acid) which is good for heart health. They are also bursting with nutrients… bursting I tell you! Avocados contain vitamins A, B-complex, C, E, H, K, minerals like folate, magnesium, copper, iron, calcium, potassium, and all of the essential amino acids that our body needs.

And guess what else. Many vitamins are fat soluble and your body absorbs them much better with fat. So eating avocado with vegetables actually increases the amount of vitamins and carotenoids that you are able to use in the body.

So, if you can’t tell, I am a big fan of avocados. I like to just take one and spread it on toast with some salt. Wow is that good. And sliced in salsa. Wow is that good. And homemade guacamole. Wow is that good. If you have any avocado stories or recipes, feel free to share.

Monday, March 2, 2009

Food For Weight Loss Part 3 www.ettlt.com

Tim Mallon is a very trusted source for me and this blog, he is the one responsible for my nutritional studies and has inspired me to get more out of my food. Tim has been my friend now for about 9-10 years and through some tough times he learned to eat for life and shared this with me because he cares for his friends. I treasure our friendship and the fact that we have learned a lot from each other through the years. That being said please enjoy this article from my best friend and trusted source to whom I am blessed to know.

Part 3 is about grains, carbs, and starches. Of course, if you ever read this blog you already know that I am already referring to whole foods and not processed and refined foods. So, if you are on a mission to lose weight and are wondering what grains or carbs you should eat to help your mission, then you are in the right place.

Certainly, cutting out carbs does a lot for losing weight, controlling blood sugar, and reducing inflammation in the body. In fact, many of these things are tied together and one impacts the other. So if you are focusing on losing weight, then you definitely want to be careful which carbs you are eating, but I think you can effectively lose weight while keeping carbs in your diet.

Some stellar winners in the carb category that you should become acquainted with are buckwheat, quinoa, millet, and amaranth.

Buckwheat is the number one recommendation for people trying to lose weight as it has so many benefits. It is actually the seed of a fruit and not a true grain, but it can be used like one. Buckwheat’s protein characteristics and minerals make it a low glycemic food that helps to control blood sugar levels (very important when trying to lose weight). Buckwheat is also unparalleled in its ability to lower bad cholesterol (you should already know that I am a fan of good cholesterol and saturated fat). There is more, buckwheat actually has a fair amount of antioxidants as well and studies have been done combining it with traditional wheat and wheat breads to boost the antioxidant value. Also, buckwheat is virtually gluten free which makes digestion easier for most people (even people who are not allergic to gluten will digest it easier).

So. You can see why I am such a fan of buckwheat… besides, it tastes so good. Buckwheat pancakes and crepes are so good. You can experiment in all sorts of baked goods and the inclusion of it in even partial amounts boosts the nutritional aspect of the food and will help you in your quest. Now, I know we are talking about controlling blood sugar and losing weight, but I just have to say that I have made buckwheat chocolate chip cookies that totally ruled! Some of the best cookies that I have made. Of course I used unrefined cane sugar. You can find buckwheat flour in health food stores or in the “natural” section of several grocery stores. Read the ingredients and make sure that it is just buckwheat flour… as different things can be added… and it is good to always read the labels.

Quinoa is the next carb I would like to highlight. It contains all nine essential amino acids (buckwheat contains 8 of the 9) and so it is a complete protein. Quinoa also is not a true grain, but is the seed of a plant… although it is used as a grain. It is especially high in the amino acid lysine which is essential for tissue growth and repair, and thus, quinoa is the choice of many athletes and those with heavy workout routines.

Prone to migraines? Well, first you should probably be drinking a lot more plain water. BUT, you can also eat more quinoa. Since quinoa is high in magnesium it helps to relax blood vessels and can reduce the frequency of migraines and hypertension. You can use quinoa in so many different ways… just like you would use rice.

Well that’s all the space I am going to devote to highlighting better options for grains and carbs. In general, if you are trying to lose weight, substitute all of your wheat products for something like buckwheat, quinoa, amaranth, and millet. Spelt flour is also better than wheat (it’s basically an older form of wheat). If you have spelt and wheat products it is best to have them either soaked or sprouted (sprouted grain breads)… or fermented (sourdough breads). However, it will be easier to lose weight if you use buckwheat and quinoa.

Now a quick word on what to avoid. Avoid the whites! Ha. Avoid white flour, white sugar, white salt… etc. In general all of these have been processed and refined and many times bleached to look pure when in reality the good stuff has been taken out. Flour is not pure white. Sea salt usually is a little gray or has some speckles in it (depending what area/ocean it is from), and real sugar is definitely not white.

Check out Part 1 and 2 at www.ettlt.com